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Pending Order - 挂单

2024-07-03 10:28:38 [资讯] 来源:汇星报


When it comes to forex trading, understanding the concept of pending orders is crucial for traders. Pending orders allow traders to set specific price levels at which they want to enter or exit a trade in the future. This flexibility and control over trade executions make pending orders a valuable tool in forex trading.

What Are Pending Orders?

Pending orders are instructions given by traders to their forex broker to buy or sell a currency pair at a specific price level in the future. These orders are not executed immediately but are held by the broker until the specified price level is reached. There are several types of pending orders, including Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, and Sell Stop orders.

Buy Limit Orders

A Buy Limit order is placed below the current market price when a trader expects the price to retrace lower before continuing its upward movement. The order will be executed when the market price reaches the specified level or lower. Buy Limit orders are used by traders to enter a long position at a better price.

Sell Limit Orders

Conversely, a Sell Limit order is placed above the current market price when a trader anticipates a price retracement higher before continuing its downward movement. The order will be triggered when the market price reaches the specified level or higher. Sell Limit orders are used by traders to enter a short position at a more favorable price.

Buy Stop Orders

A Buy Stop order is placed above the current market price when a trader expects a breakout above a particular resistance level. The order will be activated when the market price reaches the specified level or higher. Buy Stop orders are often used to catch a breakout and enter a long position as the price moves higher.

Sell Stop Orders

On the other hand, a Sell Stop order is placed below the current market price when a trader anticipates a breakout below a specific support level. The order will be executed when the market price reaches the specified level or lower. Sell Stop orders are utilized to capitalize on a breakout to the downside and enter a short position.

Benefits of Pending Orders

One of the key benefits of using pending orders is that they allow traders to automate their trading strategies. By setting specific entry and exit points in advance, traders can remove the emotional aspect of trading and avoid making impulsive decisions based on market fluctuations.

Additionally, pending orders enable traders to take advantage of trading opportunities even when they are not actively monitoring the markets. By predefining their trading parameters, traders can execute trades at their desired price levels without the need to constantly watch the market.


Understanding how to effectively use pending orders in forex trading can help traders improve their risk management and trading efficiency. By utilizing Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, and Sell Stop orders strategically, traders can enhance their trading strategies and potentially achieve better trading results in the dynamic forex market.


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